Dupont Underground

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dupont Underground, from most recent to least.

With New Exhibition (and New Entrance), Dupont Underground Hopes to Advance Design Conversation

With New Exhibition (and New Entrance), Dupont Underground Hopes to Advance Design Conversation

Nena Perry-Brown | April 19th 2021

The non-profit recently selected a winner for their second international design competition.... read»

A Nightclub For Dupont Underground?

A Nightclub For Dupont Underground?

UrbanTurf Staff | November 26th 2019

The DC Council is considering proposed rulemaking that would allow for a nightclub use in the space below Dupont Circle.... read»

AIA Exhibit Offers Futuristic Vision for Dupont Underground

AIA Exhibit Offers Futuristic Vision for Dupont Underground

Nena Perry-Brown | August 2nd 2019

Four years ago, the abandoned trolley station beneath Dupont Circle was converted into a place for the arts. Here is what a team of architects envisio... read»

Dupont Underground Pushes Opening Date to September

Dupont Underground Pushes Opening Date to September

UrbanTurf Staff | July 16th 2015

Delays in the permissions process mean that the subterranean space will not open this month as anticipated. ... read»

Could the Dupont Underground Become a Subterranean Park?

Could the Dupont Underground Become a Subterranean Park?

Lark Turner | June 19th 2015

New York City's proposed "Lowline" project could point a way forward for Dupont Circle's old trolley station.... read»

DC's Planned Underground Hotel

DC's Planned Underground Hotel

Lark Turner | April 4th 2014

Patrick Pendleton Smith wants to see the Dupont Underground become a mixed-use space that'll generate plenty of ongoing interest — and income.... read»

Dupont Hotel in Talks to Expand Into Dupont Underground

Dupont Hotel in Talks to Expand Into Dupont Underground

UrbanTurf Staff | February 14th 2014

The Dupont Circle Hotel is in talks to open a bar and a spa in the space beneath it, UrbanTurf has learned. ... read»

Should Dupont Underground Take Cues From Paris?

Should Dupont Underground Take Cues From Paris?

UrbanTurf Staff | February 7th 2014

Paris is now looking for ways to re-purpose a number of abandoned Metro stations. Could any of the ideas work for the Dupont Underground?... read»

A Winery For Dupont Underground?

A Winery For Dupont Underground?

Shilpi Paul | February 22nd 2013

Three urban wineries are in talks with the team behind the Dupont Underground about the possibility of opening up in the space, architect Julian Hunt ... read»

Can Berlin Inspire the Dupont Underground?

Can Berlin Inspire the Dupont Underground?

Shilpi Paul | September 17th 2012

As planners continue to try and figure out what to do with an abandoned streetcar tunnel under Dupont Circle, a few researchers headed to Berlin for i... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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