Unique Spaces: Eco-Friendly Alley House Off H Street

  • September 2nd 2009

by Fritz Hubig

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Unique Spaces: Eco-Friendly Alley House Off H Street: Figure 1

UrbanTurf is premiering a new feature today called Unique Spaces where we take a look at "one-of-a-kind" properties in the DC area.

This week, we feature a custom home builder's hidden alley-house in the middle of the H Street district. The 1,500 square-foot property was a former livery stable that was completely renovated in 2006. The property includes three bedrooms, two bathrooms, 22-foot ceilings, a wood-burning stove, a steel reinforced three-car garage (formerly carriage stables), and an antique, yet highly functional kitchen.

Unique Spaces: Eco-Friendly Alley House Off H Street: Figure 2

The real story of this home are the unique and innovative details throughout the property. The shower is made from reclaimed darkroom equipment and includes a feature that allows you to set exact temperature of the water; the kitchen counter top is made from the wood from a lane at a bowling alley; and a giant “Rocket” sign displayed prominently on the main floor is from the dry cleaner that the home's owner used to own next door. These details all espouse the owner's philosophy of reusing building materials “as part of a greener process of development.”

Unique Spaces: Eco-Friendly Alley House Off H Street: Figure 3

See other articles related to: dclofts, green real estate dc, unique spaces

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/unique_spaces_eco-friendly_alley_house_off_h_street/1272.

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