Posts By Fritz Hubig

Following are all articles by UrbanTurf author Fritz Hubig, from most recent to least.

Row House Features DC's First Solar Chimney

Row House Features DC's First Solar Chimney

Fritz Hubig | January 21st 2010

When Wayne Shields and Andrew Velthaus approached designer Rick Harlan Schneider of iSTUDIO Architects to help redesign their three-bedroom row house,... read»

Unique Spaces: The DC Area's First Net Zero Home

Unique Spaces: The DC Area's First Net Zero Home

Fritz Hubig | November 25th 2009

Construction of the very first Net Zero home in the DC area is now complete. A four-bedroom, 3,500 square-foot house in Bethesda has risen the bar for... read»

Unique Spaces: A Yankee Goes Green

Unique Spaces: A Yankee Goes Green

Fritz Hubig | October 14th 2009

In this week's Unique Spaces column, where we take a look at “one-of-a-kind” properties in the DC area, we profile a six-bedroom home in 1... read»

Unique Spaces: DC's First Carbon Neutral Home

Unique Spaces: DC's First Carbon Neutral Home

Fritz Hubig | September 23rd 2009

This is the first of a two-part series for Unique Spaces that profiles the construction of DC's first carbon neutral home in Capitol Hill. Look for th... read»

Unique Spaces: Eco-Friendly Alley House Off H Street

Unique Spaces: Eco-Friendly Alley House Off H Street

Fritz Hubig | September 2nd 2009

UrbanTurf is premiering a new feature today called Unique Spaces where we take a look at "one-of-a-kind" properties in the DC area. This week, we feat... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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