DC's One-Room House

  • May 2nd 2013

by Shilpi Paul

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DC's One-Room House: Figure 1

For those with the budget for a studio but the hankering for a house of their own, a one-room studio house just appeared on the market on Capitol Hill.

With 371 square feet, 1349 C Street NE (map) doesn’t quite dip into “micro-unit” territory, and is spacious in comparison to the Tiny Houses in Stronghold. But the one-room, narrow layout and lack of side windows may make some feel a little hemmed in.

DC's One-Room House: Figure 2

The block of C Street NE is full of similar homes. A century ago, they were houses for workers in the area, sources tell UrbanTurf. After that, they became commercial properties, and most recently, they were all part of a church. Now, after being sold off one house at a time, they are serving again as single-family homes. A few properties on the block have been joined together.

DC's One-Room House: Figure 3

We see a few benefits to this studio alternative: no neighbors stomping around overhead, no condo boards to negotiate with, and an outdoor space, with a square of green grass and a brick patio, all to yourself. Of course, the home appeals to a very specific buyer pool.

See other articles related to: capitol hill, dclofts, smaller homes, thomas faison, unique spaces

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/dcs_one_room_studio_house/7015.

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