A Nightclub For Dupont Underground?

  • November 26th 2019

by UrbanTurf Staff

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The south tunnel in Dupont Underground.

A variety of uses have been floated for Dupont Underground throughout the years. Now, nightclub can be added to the list. 

Curbed's Andrew Giambrone recently highlighted proposed rulemaking being considered by the DC Council that would allow for a nightclub use in the space below Dupont Circle. The West Dupont Circle Moratorium Zone Approval Resolution of 2019 would renew the moratorium on nightclub licenses in Dupont Circle for three years, but the rulemaking would exempt Dupont Underground. 

While the exemption doesn't mean that a nightclub is coming to the space, it certainly implies that a party is interested in doing so. 

The rulemaking comes at an interesting time, as a recent report said that the arts-focused nonprofit may not have its lease renewed by the city next year. 

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-nightclub-for-dupont-underground/16189.

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