WBJ: View 14 Is Up For Sale

  • January 27th 2011

by UrbanTurf Staff

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WBJ: View 14 Is Up For Sale: Figure 1
Monument views from atop View 14.

For much of 2008 and 2009, View 14, the residential project at the corner of 14th Street and Florida Avenue NW, sat empty and under construction. Despite being one of the first projects in the District to have the foresight to convert to apartments rather than deliver as condos before the housing crisis was in full swing, unfinished construction seemed to result in perpetual delays. In late 2009, though, the leasing office opened and the project quickly filled up with residents, even with monthly rents starting around $1,750 a month.

That is why today’s news from the Washington Business Journal that the building is now for sale could either be considered surprising or very well-timed. No price tag was revealed, but Tierney Plumb reported that the property now “demands some of the highest aggregate rents in D.C., at $2,868 [a month].”

In addition to amenities like a fitness center, Zipcar vehicles on site and true to its name, some great views of downtown DC, the project considered a no-smoking policy for the building, including the units themselves, although it was never enforced.

See other articles related to: dc apartments, view 14, washington business journal

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/wbj_view_14_is_up_for_sale/2910.

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