Taxi Fares in DC Likely to Increase

  • December 13th 2011

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Taxi Fares in DC Likely to Increase: Figure 1

Taking a cab in DC could be more expensive by the early part of next year.

On Tuesday, the city’s Taxicab Commission approved a proposal that would increase taxi fares in the city. Here is a bullet-by-bullet outline of how rates would change:

  • The base fare for a cab ride would remain at $3, but the rate that passengers are charged per mile would increase from $1.50 to $2.16. The commission’s report noted that the changes would result in a $1.28 increase for a 2.5-mile trip; fares on trips of five miles or less would see an increase of $1.84.
  • Surcharges for gas, additional passengers and bags/luggage would be eliminated.
  • Hourly waiting charges would increase from $15 to $25.

In addition to the fare increases, efforts are being made to have credit-card payment options in place by next fall.

The approved proposal will be open to public comment for 30 days after it is published in the D.C. Register on December 23rd. At the January 11th Taxicab Commission hearing, two hours will be set aside for public comment on the changes.

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