Development Rundown

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Development Rundown, from most recent to least.

The 12 Developments in Southwest DC's Non-Wharf Pipeline

The 12 Developments in Southwest DC's Non-Wharf Pipeline

UrbanTurf Staff | May 31st 2022

In Southwest DC, all eyes are on a handful of sites where development has long been anticipated, whether construction has belatedly commenced or where... read»

The 17 Developments in the Works Between Anacostia and Buena Vista

The 17 Developments in the Works Between Anacostia and Buena Vista

Nena Perry-Brown | May 12th 2022

Developments both big and small are continuing to churn throughout the Anacostia area and between Skyland and the Suitland Parkway.... read»

The 1,500 Units Landing in National Landing in the Next Two Years

The 1,500 Units Landing in National Landing in the Next Two Years

Nena Perry-Brown | May 4th 2022

As Amazon's headquarter campus clears a major hurdle, UrbanTurf takes a look at the pipeline for the rechristened neighborhood(s) that will surround i... read»

The Verge, The Stacks and the Soccer Stadium Development: What's on Tap at Buzzard Point

The Verge, The Stacks and the Soccer Stadium Development: What's on Tap at Buzzard Point

Nena Perry-Brown | April 27th 2022

While development has remained slow and steady in the Buzzard Point area, the pipeline is only expanding.... read»

A Metro Development; A 7-11 Development and a Whole Foods: A Look at the Takoma/Georgia Ave Pipeline

A Metro Development; A 7-11 Development and a Whole Foods: A Look at the Takoma/Georgia Ave Pipeline

Nena Perry-Brown | April 21st 2022

Construction has continued humming along on the uppermost stretch of Georgia Avenue and along the northeastern border of Maryland.... read»

The 3,000 Units in Progress, and 600 Units on Hold, in Rosslyn

The 3,000 Units in Progress, and 600 Units on Hold, in Rosslyn

Nena Perry-Brown | April 12th 2022

Rosslyn continues to be one of the DC area's busiest development neighborhoods.... read»

166 Steps Forward, 54 Steps Back: A Look at the 13 Projects in Georgetown's Development Pipeline

166 Steps Forward, 54 Steps Back: A Look at the 13 Projects in Georgetown's Development Pipeline

Nena Perry-Brown | April 5th 2022

As transportation and amenity news dominate the headlines, some new residential units have been approved while others have been nixed or continue to l... read»

The Soon-to-Deliver, and 700 Proposed Units, Destined for The Wharf

The Soon-to-Deliver, and 700 Proposed Units, Destined for The Wharf

Nena Perry-Brown | March 30th 2022

While the remaining half of The Wharf development along the Southwest waterfront is expected to deliver this fall, the development bug is rubbing off ... read»

The 22 New Developments on the Boards For Downtown Bethesda

The 22 New Developments on the Boards For Downtown Bethesda

Nena Perry-Brown | March 22nd 2022

Bethesda remains in the thick of a construction wave, with several projects breaking ground in the past year even as others have delivered.... read»

The 1,500 Units Coming to Tenleytown and AU Park

The 1,500 Units Coming to Tenleytown and AU Park

Nena Perry-Brown | March 16th 2022

The area's new construction center of gravity has been the former Fannie Mae office sites.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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