
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Church-to-residential, from most recent to least.

DC Church Near The White House Looks To Build 10-Story Residential Addition

DC Church Near The White House Looks To Build 10-Story Residential Addition

UrbanTurf Staff | August 23rd 2023

The Church of the Epiphany has filed plans with the city to demolish the rear portions of the church and construct a ten-story plus penthouse resident... read»

DC's Office of Planning Proposes Requiring Inclusionary Zoning Units in Residential Conversions

DC's Office of Planning Proposes Requiring Inclusionary Zoning Units in Residential Conversions

Nena Perry-Brown | March 2nd 2021

The expansion efforts for this incremental affordable housing production tool continue in DC.... read»

Co-Living Comes to Former Columbia Heights Church

Co-Living Comes to Former Columbia Heights Church

Nena Perry-Brown | February 27th 2020

This is Common's fourth location in DC proper.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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