And Now Anacostia

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under And Now Anacostia, from most recent to least.

A Look at the Boutique Condos Selling in the Downtown DC Market

A Look at the Boutique Condos Selling in the Downtown DC Market

UrbanTurf Sponsor | December 9th 2021

Located in Adams Morgan, Logan Circle and Mount Vernon, the properties boast both stunning design features and unique interior qualities.... read»

A $50,000 Anacostia Rowhouse, Transformed

A $50,000 Anacostia Rowhouse, Transformed

Shilpi Paul | March 4th 2013

Inspired by a blog and a renovated home, K Leszczak bought an Anacostia rowhouse for $50,000 in very rough condition and went to work. ... read»

More Capital Bikeshare Stations Needed in Anacostia?

More Capital Bikeshare Stations Needed in Anacostia?

Mark Wellborn | February 7th 2011

And Now Anacostia recently had a post about whether or not Anacostia should have another Capital Bikeshare station, one of a few recent blog posts reg... read»

Construction of Historic Anacostia Condos and Townhouses to Begin Next Year

Construction of Historic Anacostia Condos and Townhouses to Begin Next Year

Mark Wellborn | December 3rd 2010

It slipped under our radar, but just before Thanksgiving, And Now Anacostia reported that the "first significant new construction residential project ... read»

This Old Anacostia House: A Renovation Story

This Old Anacostia House: A Renovation Story

Mark Wellborn | May 28th 2010

David Garber, the brains behind And Now Anacostia, just put the house that he spent eight months rehabbing and renovating on the market. After the jum... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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