More Capital Bikeshare Stations Needed in Anacostia?

  • February 7th 2011

by Mark Wellborn

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More Capital Bikeshare Stations Needed in Anacostia?: Figure 1
Courtesy of Capital Bikeshare

Capital Bikeshare, DC’s bicycle sharing system consisting of 114 stations and 1,100 bicycles for public use across DC and Arlington has widely been considered a success. The way the program works is that the first 30 minutes of the ride are free (with a $75 annual subscription) and then riders are charged for every additional 30-minute increment of usage thereafter. In September, the month that Capital Bikeshare launched, 37,000 bicycle trips were recorded, and The Post’s Dr. Gridlock reported in December (on a day when the low temperature was just 26 degrees) that ridership had increased 100 percent over a much nicer day in October.

However, recent blog posts (including a post with a particularly controversial reason from Greater Greater Washington) have pointed out the low usage of Capital Bikeshare east of the Anacostia River. Last night, And Now Anacostia wondered if another station in Historic Anacostia is needed. Currently, there are three in the neighborhood: 1) At the corner of Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue and Good Hope Road; 2) At the Anacostia Metro Station and 3) At the Anacostia Neighborhood Library.

Right now, there are 11 stations east of the river. Do you think one more in Anacostia will increase usage?

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