Will Mount Pleasant Be the Next DC Neighborhood With a Triangular Development?

  • July 27th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of proposed development from 17th Street and Oakwood Terrace. Click to enlarge.

A proposed development in DC would combine two UrbanTurf favorites: triangular lots and missing middle housing.

District Design has applied for historic review of a concept to deliver two attached three-story units and a pair of stacked flats on the triangular lots at 3430 and 3432 Oakwood Terrace NW (map) in the Mount Pleasant Historic District.

Aerial and materials of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

In the building at 3430 Oakwood Terrace, the units would have a cellar level with a recreation room and full bath, and each would have an open kitchen/dining room on the main level. The second levels would have two bedrooms and a shared bath, and there would be an additional bedroom suite on the third floor.

At 3432 Oakwood Terrace, the first unit would occupy the entire cellar level with two bedrooms, a den, and two baths and would have an open kitchen/living room on the main level. The upstairs unit would have a kitchen, living room, and dining room on the entry level and three bedrooms, three baths, and a den on the upper level.

Proposed development. Click to enlarge.

The Historic Preservation Review Board considered the project in May and made some design recommendations, including the design of the windows. With the latest design, Historic Preservation Office staff is recommending Board approval at its meeting this week. Carmel Greer is the owner and District Design is the architect.

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/will-mount-pleasant-be-the-next-neighborhood-with-a-triangular-development/17115.

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