White House Replica in McLean Fails to Sell at Auction

  • October 31st 2016

by UrbanTurf Staff

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White House Replica in McLean Fails to Sell at Auction: Figure 1
8907 Georgetown Pike

The lack of interest to own a replica of the White House continues.

For the last two weeks, a 12,500 square-foot home on Georgetown Pike (map) built as a replica of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW has been on the auction block.

The auction ended late last week with a final bid of $2.8 million, a bid that the homeowner decided not to accept. The six-bedroom house on two acres has been on and off the market for over two years for just under $5 million. Jeff Stein of auction firm Tranzon Fox tells UrbanTurf that they are still trying to work out a deal.

As UrbanTurf has pointed out before, this home is not the only property in McLean built to look like The White House. 1111 Towlston Road is currently on the market, and it was constructed with an Oval Office inside.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/white_house_replica_in_mclean_fails_to_sell_at_auction/11844.

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