The Best House in DC For Wine Lovers

  • December 6th 2010

by UrbanTurf Staff

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The Best House in DC For Wine Lovers: Figure 1

The annual Logan Circle House Tour took place this past Sunday and if you are a DC real estate voyeur, it is one of the highlights of the year. But while each home on the tour had characteristics that made it stand out from the pack, one house had a room that seemingly everyone was talking about.

“If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the wine room at the house over on Vermont,” a house tour goer was overheard saying shortly after the tour started.

The room that had everyone abuzz is located on the lower level of a huge 19th-century Victorian over on Vermont Avenue. As you make your way down the basement stairs, the wine crates that serve as wallpaper give a hint of what is to come.

The Best House in DC For Wine Lovers: Figure 2
The walls of wine.

Around the corner is a cavernous room that has the feel of something that would not have been out of place in Sir Lancelot’s era. More notable than the room itself, however, is the wine: approximately 2,000 bottles line the walls, organized by vintage, so that each can be drunk at the appropriate time.

The room has a separate HVAC system that keeps the temperature at 58 degrees and 70 percent humidity, and also has custom-made stained glass windows with hand-painted images from the owner’s travels. We were told that it is a regular venue for dinner parties and invite-only wine tastings.

Unfortunately for the oenophiles out there, the home is not on the market and likely won’t be anytime soon. The current owners have lived there for almost twenty years.

See other articles related to: editors choice, logan circle

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