The Section of DC That Saw the Largest Population Boom Over the Last Decade

  • August 12th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A rendering of the second phase of The Wharf in DC.

Although the 2020 Census counted fewer DC residents than anticipated, new population counts for the city's wards are not quite as surprising.

Per numbers released by the Census Bureau on Thursday, the population in Ward 6 increased by nearly 42% to 108,000 people since the 2010 Census count, making it the only ward in the city with more than 90,000 residents.

2020 and 2010 Census population counts, by ward, c/o Corey Holman. Click to enlarge.

The population increase makes sense as Ward 6 is not only the District's largest ward geographically, but also includes neighborhoods like the H Street Corridor, Buzzard Point, and The Wharf, all of which have seen the bulk of DC's residential development boom over the past decade.

Ward 5 has the second-largest population (89,425 residents) and the second-largest population increase (20%) among all the wards. Wards 7 and 8 saw the smallest population increase 6.28% and 6.59% respectively) although Ward 2 had a similarly marginal increase of 6.86%.

With the DC Council expected to begin discussions of how and where to redraw ward boundaries next month, it stands to reason that both Wards 7 and 8 may gain additional land west of the Anacostia River from Ward 6.

See other articles related to: census, dc wards, population, redistricting, u.s. census, us census, ward 6

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