Raze Application Looks To Pave Way For 700-Unit Development in Brookland
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Back in 2022, the DC Zoning Commission gave the green light to a large mixed-use development planned along the Metrorail tracks in Brookland (map). Now, there are signs that the development is moving forward.
A raze application has been filed with the city for several industrial buildings along the 900 block of Franklin Street NE, which could make way for a two-phase, three-building development delivering approximately 700 residential units.
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The proposed development, per a planned unit development approved two years ago, would consist of an 84 foot-tall first phase will deliver 395 apartments west of Reed Street (Building I), and another building (Building IIA) will deliver 195 apartments above 8,160 square feet of makerspace at the corner of Evarts and Reed Streets. The second phase will include a 65 foot-tall building with 96 apartments above 10,240 square feet of makerspace fronting Franklin Street (Building IIB).
The project, designed by hord coplan macht, will also have 105 to 110 Inclusionary Zoning units, with 5% of the square footage for households earning up to 30% and 50% of area median income (AMI), 80% for households earning up to 60% AMI, and 10% for households earning up to 80% AMI.
Correction: DC listed the Hanover Company as the entity that filed the raze application with the city. A Hanover Company representative told UrbanTurf that they are not actually affiliated with the development. We have made that correction in the article.
See other articles related to: brookland, brookland apartments, the hanover company
This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/raze_application_looks_to_pave_way_for_700_unit_development_in_brookland/22068.
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