A New Tool Tracks Development in Downtown Bethesda

  • April 2nd 2018

by Nena Perry-Brown

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A New Tool Tracks Development in Downtown Bethesda: Figure 1
A portion of the development tracking map

A lot of development is planned or under construction in downtown Bethesda — especially in the wake of a new sector plan allowing additional density in the locality. Now, a new tool can help you keep up with what is going up.

On Monday, the Montgomery County Planning Board introduced an online interactive mapping and tracking tool that outlines the plans for and status of various developments throughout Bethesda. The tool helps users visualize how much bonus Bethesda Overlay Zone (BOZ) density, which developers can tap to enlarge projects in exchange for other commitments, has been used and is available going forward.

Users will be able to track development at the Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plan and Site Plan phases and get such information as the proposed square footage and land use, number of market-rate and moderately-priced dwelling units, and requested and approved amounts of BOZ density. Users will also be able to download information in spreadsheet format and get links to applicant presentations.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/new-tool-unveiled-to-track-development-in-downtown-bethesda/13776.

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