Employees Leave Tenleytown Safeway, Customers Use Honor System

  • February 10th 2010

by Mark Wellborn

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We take a slight break from our regular real estate fare to bring you one of the more interesting stories from the past snow-filled week. It appears that employees at the Safeway in Tenleytown went home in the middle of the storm today, leaving customers to use the honor system.

The Washington Post is reporting that employees of the store on Davenport Street headed home early as the storm’s intensity increased, but forgot to lock the doors.

From The Post:

Somehow, word got around to a few desperate shoppers, who made it over to the abandoned supermarket and found something of value on shelves that had been nearly emptied by waves of snow-weary customers in recent days. Two witnesses told The Post that they had been inside the store and seen people selecting goods and paying at unmanned cashiers’ counters before leaving.

Even though the store was unmanned, people were still paying for goods: The Post reported seeing change and crumpled bills on the cashier’s belt. Police are now outside the store telling people that it is closed.

The Tenleytown Safeway was one of the chain’s area stores that was going to be razed and completely redesigned, however that plan has been postponed. DCmud has the whole story here.

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/employees_leave_tenleytown_safeway_customers_use_honor_system/1767.

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