DDOT: Streetcars Moving By Mid-2013

  • August 22nd 2011

by UrbanTurf Staff

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DDOT: Streetcars Moving By Mid-2013: Figure 1

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced today that the H Street/Benning Road streetcar line will open no later than mid-2013. However, keep in mind that at the end of June, WTOP reported that the streetcar’s arrival would be delayed from next year until fall 2013. So while this announcement is a move in a positive direction, chances are that the latest timeline is not set in stone.

From DDOT:

DDOT released a request for bids to design and build the remaining elements of the line, which encompasses western and eastern turnarounds, a “car barn” maintenance facility and the final improvements to the already-built 2.2-mile corridor on H Street/Benning Road. DDOT also plans to utilize the car barn as a training center for District students. DDOT anticipates design work to start in late fall, culminating with the first passengers boarding the line in mid 2013.

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/ddot_streetcars_moving_by_mid-2013/4029.

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