DC's 18 Million-Dollar Neighborhoods

  • July 12th 2022

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A home that sold in Kent earlier this year.

An analysis by UrbanTurf found that there are 18 neighborhoods in DC where the median home price exceeds $1 million in 2022, which marks the highest number of neighborhoods to exceed this price point during a five-month span. 

Million-dollar mainstays Spring Valley, Woodley Park, Berkley and Kent top the list with median prices exceeding $1.85 million. Bloomingdale, Capitol Hill, and 16th Street Heights round out the bottom of the list, with prices just above $1 million. 

Click to enlarge.

The increase in million-dollar neighborhoods in the city (four higher than the previous mark set last year) is the result of a nearly across the board price increase. With the exception of Crestwood, home prices are up in every neighborhood in the above table. 

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/dcs-18-million-dollar-neighborhoods/19857.

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