DC Will Have Almost 1 Million Residents by 2045

  • March 10th 2016

by UrbanTurf Staff

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DC Will Have Almost 1 Million Residents by 2045: Figure 1
Rendering of a new residential project planned for Union Market.

A new forecast for the region’s population reveals that there will likely be enough renters and buyers for all the new residential development being built around the District.

In its latest forecast, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) predicts that the Washington, DC population will increase to 987,000 residents by 2045.

“The region’s central jurisdictions—the District of Columbia, Arlington County, and the City of Alexandria—will experience the fastest change in population growth by 2045,” the forecast stated. “These jurisdictions will grow by 42 percent, or nearly 436,000 people. The District of Columbia will experience the majority of that growth (315,000 people).”

Region-wide, the report forecasted that the area will add more than 1.5 million people and 1.1 million jobs over the next three decades, with over half of those jobs coming in the professional and business services sector.

COG Chairman Roger Berliner pointed out on Wednesday that the region’s increasing population means that infrastructure and funding issues related to the Metro transit system will need to be addressed, an issue that will be taken up at an invitation-only forum later this month.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/dc_will_have_almost_1_million_residents_by_2045/10970.

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