DC Launches $50 Million Homeowner Assistance Fund

  • June 15th 2022

by UrbanTurf Staff

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DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is launching a $50 million homeowner assistance fund with the remaining funds provided to the city by the American Rescue Plan Act.

Starting in a week, eligible DC homeowners can go to haf.dc.gov to apply for funding to cover mortgage payments and other property or housing expenses, including utilities, insurance, condo fees, internet, and housing association fees.

Those homeowners eligible for the program must:

  • Live in a home that they own in DC; 
  • Have fallen behind on one or more of the eligible expenses for that home, including: mortgage payments, condo fees, property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, utility payments, and internet/broadband payments;
  • Were impacted by COVID-19; and
  • Make less than 100% of the Median Family Income (MFI) or $142,300 for a family of four. 

Late last year, DC's Department of Housing and Community (DHCD) began accepting applications for a pilot version of the Housing Assistance Fund. The program, using $5 million of the $50 million allotted, provided grants to condo owners in the 20019, 20020, 20024, and 20032 zip codes who purchased their units using DHCD's down payment and/or closing cost assistance programs.

Thumbnail photo by Ted Eytan. 

See other articles related to: dc housing assistance fund, housing assistance fund

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/dc-mayor-launches-50-million-homeowner-assistance-fund/19772.

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