A Church, a Park and 109 Condos at The Wharf

  • July 10th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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A Church, a Park and 109 Condos at The Wharf: Figure 1
Rendering of St. Augustine’s Church

At Monday night’s ANC 6D meeting, developers discussed plans for several sections of The Wharf, including a new 109-unit condo project, a redeveloped building for St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, and Waterfront Park.

St. Augustine’s, at the corner of 6th Street and Maine Avenue SW (map), is currently a slightly-run-down, 1960s-style building; the architecture firm MTFA has designed a two-story, modern, glassy revision of the church that will be developed during Phase 1 of the massive redevelopment of the Southwest Waterfront.

A 109-unit, four-story condo project is also going up alongside the new church. The development will have a green roof and several units will have private terraces looking out at the water. There will be 93 total parking spaces — 85 for condo residents and seven for the church. According to Hoffman-Madison, the developers behind the $2 billion project, the plans have already been approved by the Commission of Fine Arts, and they are hoping for an early 2013 groundbreaking.

A Church, a Park and 109 Condos at The Wharf: Figure 2
Rendering of the new condos

Waterfront Park, a 3.5 acre park on the eastern end of the site, was also discussed at the meeting. The park will have a circular lawn surrounded by a pergola, a bocce ball court, and various sitting areas.

Hoffman-Madison is in the midst of several meetings with the Zoning Commission this month. ANC 6D Commissioner Andy Litsky reminded the community that the meetings are open to any interested residents, and that detailed plans for The Wharf are available at the Southwest branch of the library. The PUD can also be found here.

Last month, the ANC decided not to support the PUD until issues surrounding the live-aboards of the Gangplank Marina have been sorted out. There will be a special meeting of the ANC on Wednesday, July 25th to reconsider the vote.

A Church, a Park and 109 Condos at The Wharf: Figure 3
Rendering of Waterfront Park

See other articles related to: dclofts, hoffman-madison, southwest waterfront, the wharf dc

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/condos_a_church_and_a_park_at_the_wharf/5746.

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