Artists Wanted: Brookland Artspace Lofts Now Offering Hardhat Tours

  • February 2nd 2011

by Mark Wellborn

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Artists Wanted: Brookland Artspace Lofts Now Offering Hardhat Tours: Figure 1
Interior shot of construction at Brookland Artspace Lofts

The construction is well underway over at the Brookland Artspace Lofts, and those interested in taking a look at the in-progress project now have the opportunity to do so.

UrbanTurf has learned that four hardhat tours will be offered of the project over the next two weeks:

  • Monday, February 7th at 12:15pm
  • Saturday, February 12th at 10am
  • Saturday, February 12th at 10:45am
  • Saturday, February 12th at 11:30am

To RSVP for a tour, send an email to

Once complete, the lofts will have 41 affordable apartments all reserved for artists. The complex will include a dance and music rehearsal studio with some space reserved for Dance Place, a modern dance arts and education organization. Hickok Cole Architects designed the new building, which will include a green roof and a mosaic tile installation by community volunteers. The Lofts will have open interiors, performance areas, underground parking and wide hallways with oversized elevators so that large art can be transported easily within the building.

Artists Wanted: Brookland Artspace Lofts Now Offering Hardhat Tours: Figure 2
Rendering of Brookland Artspace Lofts

"We're hoping to have people moved in by June," Heidi Kurtze of Artspace Projects told UrbanTurf. "There will be a couple information sessions in March and the application process starts in April."

The majority of the units will be available to artists in households earning less than 60 percent of the area median income (AMI). The charts below, provided courtesy of Artspace, put some real meaning to that AMI percentage:

Artists Wanted: Brookland Artspace Lofts Now Offering Hardhat Tours: Figure 3

For more information about the project, visit the Artspace Wash DC website here.

Update: That was fast! Apparently the tours have already filled up, but you can still get on the waiting list.

See other articles related to: arts neighborhoods, artspace, brookland, dclofts

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