A Look Inside NYC's First Micro-Unit

  • November 13th 2015

by UrbanTurf Staff

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A Look Inside NYC's First Micro-Unit: Figure 1
A 302 square-foot micro-unit at Carmel Place.

DC residents can now get a sense of what the micro-units coming to our city might look like.

New York Magazine recently published what, we believe, are the first photos of a micro-unit at Carmel Place, the 55-unit building that won former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s competition in 2013 to build a multi-family micro-unit building in the Big Apple.

A Look Inside NYC's First Micro-Unit: Figure 2

The units at Carmel Place range in size from 250 to 370 square feet. The unit pictured in New York Magazine is 302 square feet. nArchitects, the design firm behind the micro-units, put in floor-to-ceiling windows and walls that can store a sofabed in order to make the unit feel bigger.

For the full slideshow, click here.

See other articles related to: carmel place, micro units, micro-units, microunits

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a_look_inside_nycs_first_micro-unit/10584.

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