A Warmer Look for New Hotel/Apartment Development Near Nats Park

  • March 9th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Newer rendering, looking south down Half Street. Click to enlarge.

A proposed hotel-residential-commercial project a block from Nationals Park in Southwest now has a warmer look, and new renderings are giving a more realistic idea of how the development would fit into the neighborhood.

D.B. Lee Development has applied for zoning review of the development that would replace the auto repair shop on at 45 Q Street SW (map) with 60 apartments, 191 hotel rooms, and a 3,700 square-foot market and café.

Newer aerial of proposed development, from Half and Q Streets. Click to enlarge.
Previous aerial of proposed development, from Half and Q Streets. Click to enlarge.

The ten-story-plus-penthouse building would have five floors of hotel rooms, likely under the Moxy brand or something similar, beneath a mix of studios to two-bedrooms with dens. Rather than the previous mix of dark red and black brick at the base of the building, the new design uses a warmer red brick more in keeping with the current neighborhood palette.

Newer rendering of south view of proposed development. Click to enlarge.
Previous southwest corner of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

The building would also have a rooftop restaurant/bar (if special exception is granted), and ten of the apartments would be inclusionary zoning affordable to households earning up to 60% of area median income. The ground floor would have folding garage-style window walls opening into the market, which would include fresh produce and other fresh food offerings along with a café. Outdoor seating areas would have patterned pavers to differentiate the space from the sidewalk.

Newer rendering of market entrance. Click to enlarge.
Previous rendering of market entrance. Click to enlarge.

The north façade of the building may host more than one mural. There would also be 41 long-term bicycle spaces and space to park at least 55 vehicles below-grade, including some tandem and stacked spaces, all serviced by valet. Fillat + Architecture is the designer.

Another zoning hearing for design review is scheduled for next week. Additional renderings are below.

Newer rendering of west elevation. Click to enlarge.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-warmer-look-for-southwest-hotelapartment-development/17977.

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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