A Residential Conversion in the Works For K Street Medical Office Building

  • August 30th 2022

by UrbanTurf Staff

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2141 K Street NW

Another residential conversion is in the works for an aging downtown office building. 

The RMR Group filed an application with DC's Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) recently to permit construction of a “green screen” around the mechanical penthouse of the 9-story medical office building at 2141 K Street NW (map). The reason for this addition is so that the building can be converted to residential use. 

"The Applicant proposes to convert the building to residential use, and the proposed penthouse green screen, along with other features to be constructed as part of the Project, will be used to meet the Green Area Ratio requirement that will be triggered by the conversion," the application stated. 

Few other details of the project, designed by architect Leo A. Daly, are included in the BZA submission, but the development team plans to present to ANC 2A in the coming months. 

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-residential-conversion-in-the-works-for-k-street-medical-office-building/20019.

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