A Few Changes for Residential/Retail Development Proposed at Wharf's Former USDA HQ

  • January 11th 2022

by Nena Perry-Brown

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North aerial rendering of the proposed development. Click to enlarge.

Plans to redevelop a former Department of Agriculture office building at the tail-end of the Wharf have evolved since the plans were pitched last fall

Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners is proposing a residential-over-retail building that will be 100-120 feet tall at 899 Maine Avenue SW (map). An update on the Perkins Eastman-designed project was shared at the ANC 6D meeting Monday night.

Newer view of proposed building from 9th and Maine Streets. Click to enlarge.

Instead of pursuing MU-10 zoning, the developer will seek MU-9 zoning; while both enable high-density mixed use development, a representative for the developer explained that the latter offers more flexibility in terms of building height. The final unit count is still being worked out, although the previous proposal was for 530 residences. 

Rendering of the proposed development, from 9th and G Street. Click to enlarge.

The development will include double-height retail wrapping 9th and Maine Streets, and a set-back residential lobby entrance. An alley will be created between the building and Jefferson Middle School to provide access to two levels of below-grade parking; there will be one parking space for every three apartments.

Southwest aerial rendering of the proposed development. Click to enlarge.

The developer still plans for 15% of the residential space to be affordable at 60% of median family income, and also noted that some of these units will be family-sized. 

The development team expects to file a planned-unit development application early next month. Additional renderings are below.

Rendering of the proposed development, from Banneker Park. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of the proposed development, from townhouses on G Street. Click to enlarge.
Aerial rendering of the proposed development, from east. Click to enlarge.
Rendering of the proposed development, looking down Maine Street. Click to enlarge.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-massing-change-for-residentialretail-development-proposed-at-wharfs-forme/19131.

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