A Few New Looks For 500-Unit Redevelopment of Former Department of Agriculture Building

  • July 26th 2022

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Aerial rendering of 899 Maine Avenue. Click to enlarge.

As the redevelopment of the former Department of Agriculture building a block off DC's Wharf moves forward, a few new renderings have been unveiled.

Earlier this year, Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners filed plans for a development that will deliver 498 apartments above 22,600 square feet of retail at 899 Maine Avenue SW (map). The building will be 100-120 feet tall and will include 244 parking spaces and 110 long-term bicycle spaces. Perkins Eastman is the architect and Land Design is the landscape architect.

Amenities will include a rooftop pool and a south-facing courtyard above the double-height retail. Fifteen percent of the residential space will be affordable at 60% of median family income, and the unit mix will span from studios to three-bedrooms.

The new development will go before the Zoning Commission in the fall. More new renderings below. 

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-few-new-looks-for-500-unit-redevelopment-of-former-department-of-agricult/19915.

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