62 Square Feet: Developer Proposes DC's Smallest Apartments

  • April 1st 2014

by UrbanTurf Staff

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62 Square Feet: Developer Proposes DC's Smallest Apartments: Figure 1

Small living is about to take on a whole new meaning in DC.

A developer has proposed an ambitious new micro-unit project for the 14th Street Corridor, which would include 32 units that measure out at just 62 square feet each.

French developer Petit Espace gave UrbanTurf a sneak peek at the miniscule project and a sense of what the units will look like.

62 Square Feet: Developer Proposes DC's Smallest Apartments: Figure 2
The unit as a living room.

“Have you ever lived in a closet?” Petit Espace’s Thomas Fulldu asked. “It’s kind of like that, but with a bathroom.”

Fulldu said that advisers on the project included his four-year old daughter, whose bedroom at home is slightly larger than the proposed apartments, as well as a few inmates at an area prison.

“The response I got from virtually everyone when I asked if they would live in 62 square feet was ‘Absolutely not,’” Fooley said. “But we like to push the envelope. Also, my daughter thought it was a great idea.”

62 Square Feet: Developer Proposes DC's Smallest Apartments: Figure 3
Floorplan of proposed units.

The layout of the units consists of a combination bedroom/kitchen/living room/media room with a small bathroom off to the side. Fulldu said that when the Murphy bed folds down it’s difficult for anyone, including the person living there, to do much of anything rather than sleep. He said that the project is primarily aimed at people that don’t really like being inside.

“We envision that our primary demographic will be wilderness buffs, as well as people who live with their significant others and really just need a place to change their clothes and brush their teeth,” Fulldu said.

62 Square Feet: Developer Proposes DC's Smallest Apartments: Figure 4
Parties at the unit would be limited to three, maybe four, people.

The units, planned for a site near 14th and Swann Street NW, will rent for about $3,000 a month to target a more affordable price point.

UrbanTurf would be surprised if plans for this project move on beyond today, but we will keep you updated.

Renderings courtesy of Capital Pixel.

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/62-square-foot_micro-units_planned_for_14th_street/8301.

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