130 Larger Affordable Apartments to Replace Terrace Manor

  • September 27th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of proposed development from 23rd and Savannah. Click to enlarge.

Last spring, W.C. Smith received approval from the Board of Zoning Adjustment to redevelop the former Sanford Capital-owned Terrace Manor site in Randle Heights. Now, the developer is going a little bigger.

In a quest for more height and more density, W.C. Smith filed a planned unit development (PUD) application yesterday to replace the 12 vacant buildings at 2270-2272 and 2276 Savannah Street SE and 3341-3353 23rd Street SE (map), which house a total of 61 units, with a 130-unit building. All of the apartments will be affordable to households earning up to 60 percent of median family income.

Rendering of proposed development, looking south down 23rd. Click to enlarge.

Although the unit count has changed negligibly (123-133 units were previously proposed, including 11 three bedrooms), there will now be 65 one bedrooms (instead of 78) and 54 two bedrooms (instead of 39); the two bedrooms will also have larger footprints.

Rendering of previously approved Terrace Manor redevelopment.

The Stoiber + Associates designed development will also include 60 vehicular and 40 long term bicycle spaces in a below grade garage; a fitness room and a club room are among the amenities.

The Zoning Commission has not yet scheduled a hearing.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/130-larger-affordable-apartments-to-replace-terrace-manor/15947.

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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