Vincent Orange

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Vincent Orange, from most recent to least.

Councilmember Introduces Bill That Would Build 1,000 Tiny Houses For Millennials in DC

Councilmember Introduces Bill That Would Build 1,000 Tiny Houses For Millennials in DC

UrbanTurf Staff | November 3rd 2015

The homes would be sold for $50,000 to residents ages 18 to 33 and those making minimum wage. ... read»

Councilmember Introduces Bill to Ban All Single-Family Conversions in DC

Councilmember Introduces Bill to Ban All Single-Family Conversions in DC

Lark Turner | April 10th 2015

The emergency legislation aims to ban pop-ups and conversions.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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