
Realestate Business Intelligence

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Realestate Business Intelligence, from most recent to least.

DC Area Posts Highest October Home Sales in 3 Years As Inventory Falls

DC Area Posts Highest October Home Sales in 3 Years As Inventory Falls

UrbanTurf Staff | November 12th 2012

After a typically slow September, last month the DC area home market posted the highest level of sales for October in three years, as the active inven... read»

As Demand Cools in September, DC Area Home Prices Remain High

As Demand Cools in September, DC Area Home Prices Remain High

UrbanTurf Staff | October 9th 2012

A report out from RealEstate Business Intelligence today reveals what typically happens as summer becomes fall: the local housing market slows down. ... read»

Home Purchase Contracts at 7-Year High in DC as Inventory Remains Low

Home Purchase Contracts at 7-Year High in DC as Inventory Remains Low

Shilpi Paul | September 10th 2012

Demand in DC's housing market is higher than ever, with several indicators at multi-year highs, but record low inventory continues to be an issue. ... read»

Home Price Watch: Adjusting for Inflation in Chevy Chase DC

Home Price Watch: Adjusting for Inflation in Chevy Chase DC

Shilpi Paul | August 13th 2012

Last week, UrbanTurf began sifting through housing price data from the last decade to find out exactly what has been happening in zip codes around the... read»

DC Experiencing a 7-Year Low in For-Sale Inventory

DC Experiencing a 7-Year Low in For-Sale Inventory

UrbanTurf Staff | August 10th 2012

If you have been on the hunt for a home recently and feel like there is less to choose from, you'd be right. ... read»

Home Price Watch: Doubling in a Decade in Bloomingdale and LeDroit

Home Price Watch: Doubling in a Decade in Bloomingdale and LeDroit

Shilpi Paul | August 7th 2012

Today, UrbanTurf will begin looking at the trajectory of home prices in DC area zip codes over the last decade. This week, we examine the zip code of ... read»

Distressed Property Sales Drop to Lowest Level Since 2009

Distressed Property Sales Drop to Lowest Level Since 2009

Shilpi Paul | July 18th 2012

According to a report released this morning, DC proper has one of the lowest rates of distressed property sales in the region.... read»

DC Area Median Home Prices Reach Highest Level Since 2008

DC Area Median Home Prices Reach Highest Level Since 2008

UrbanTurf Staff | July 10th 2012

The median sale price for homes in the DC area has reached $400,000 for the first time in four years, according to a report released this morning. ... read»

Foreclosure Sales in the DC Area Down Significantly in 2012

Foreclosure Sales in the DC Area Down Significantly in 2012

Shilpi Paul | July 2nd 2012

A report from RealEstate Business Intelligence (RBI) reveals that the number of foreclosure sales in the area is down notably this year. ... read»

Selling in a Week or Less

Selling in a Week or Less

Shilpi Paul | June 25th 2012

According to data compiled by RealEstate Business Intelligence (RBI), more than half the homes sold in May in seven DC area zip codes were on the mark... read»

DC Real Estate Guides

Short guides to navigating the DC-area real estate market

We've collected all our helpful guides for buying, selling and renting in and around Washington, DC in one place. Start browsing below!