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Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Mortgages, from most recent to least.

A Look at The Ways You Can Pay Off Your Mortgage Early
UrbanTurf Staff | March 4th
While it may seem like paying off a long-term mortgage early is a difficult task, it is possible to do so before the end of the term, in turn saving a... read»

Understanding Interest Rates and Mortgage Points
UrbanTurf Staff | August 16th 2024
A look how mortgage points work.... read»

First-Timer Primer: The Mortgage Pre-Approval Process
UrbanTurf Staff | June 24th 2024
As home buyers get the itch to look for a home and start to venture out to open houses, it will behoove them to go through the pre-approval process.... read»
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The New "Crypto Mortgage"
Nena Perry-Brown | January 19th 2022
A tech company wants to give Bitcoin owners another option to finance a home purchase without cashing out their cryptocurrency.... read»

A Deluge of Demand: How Lenders Are Dealing With Record-Low Rates
Nena Perry-Brown | August 14th 2020
With rates at or near the lowest they have ever been, some lenders are getting creative in how they approach new purchases and requests to refinance.... read»

With Nearly Half of DC Renters Rent-Burdened, Urban Institute Recommends Federal Housing Relief
Nena Perry-Brown | August 10th 2020
Maryland and DC are two areas hardest hit by the pandemic-amplifying housing crisis.... read»

Black Mortgage Applicants in DC Denied at Double Citywide Rate
Nena Perry-Brown | August 5th 2020
Higher Black homeownership rates have not made DC immune to mortgage denial disparities.... read»

FHFA Will Provide Multifamily Mortgage Relief in Exchange for Eviction Moratoriums
Nena Perry-Brown | March 24th 2020
Any multifamily mortgagee receiving forbearance must enact an eviction moratorium.... read»
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The redevelopment of Mazza Gallerie is nearly complete.... read »

While the buildings at The Wharf are generally all finished, there are still a couple... read »

The DC region has yet to see a surge of new listings hit the market in the face of fe... read »

Approximately 34% of renters in the DC region are looking for rentals in other metro ... read »

Hoffman-Madison in talks to sell a portion of The Wharf; demolition of BLM plaza; and... read »
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