
Home Buyer Demand

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Home Buyer Demand, from most recent to least.

In March, Virginia Remained At the Top When It Came to Home Buyer Demand

In March, Virginia Remained At the Top When It Came to Home Buyer Demand

UrbanTurf Staff | April 16th 2021

Of the ten zip codes with the highest T3 index score in April, nine are located in Virginia.... read»

Where is Home Buyer Demand Highest in the DC Area? Signs Point to Virginia

Where is Home Buyer Demand Highest in the DC Area? Signs Point to Virginia

UrbanTurf Staff | March 19th 2021

A new tool reveals that one state in the area tops all others in terms of home buyer demand.... read»

DC Real Estate Guides

Short guides to navigating the DC-area real estate market

We've collected all our helpful guides for buying, selling and renting in and around Washington, DC in one place. Start browsing below!