Union Market Property Owner Seeks High-Density Designation
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As the public continues to weigh in on proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, another DC site is coming to the fore for potential development.
The owners of 500 Florida Avenue NE (map), which currently houses a tire shop and a gas station, are seeking support to propose that the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) identify the site as prime for high-density residential and/or commercial development.
Located on the outskirts of the Union Market area, the site is zoned as PDR-1, and the FLUM currently labels it as a prime site for medium-density commercial and moderate-density residential development. The property owners, who may pursue a planned-unit development (PUD) with map amendment some time in the future, are taking the opportunity to preemptively acknowledge the development potential of the site.
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"Compared to all the other area in the Union Market neighborhood, it's the one that is different, and all we're asking the ANC to do is support a FLUM change to make it the same as everything else," Meredith Moldenhauer, who represents the owner, explained at Tuesday night's ANC 5D meeting.
The specific scope of a PUD at the site has not been identified, although Moldenhauer identified MU-7 or MU-9 zoning as an appropriate designation for the subject site. Moldenhauer also noted that while the property owners have not solicited an opinion from Gallaudet University, identifying 500 Florida Avenue for high-density development would be consistent with the PUD that Gallaudet is pursuing across the street.
The ANC deferred voting on the proposal for now and will likely consider it at their January meeting; ANCs can submit comments and resolutions on the Comp Plan through January 31st.
Note: High-density mixed-use development in the MU-9 zone tends to have a maximum height of 90 feet, while medium-density mixed-use in the MU-7 zone tends to have a maximum height of 65 feet. The site is currently zoned as PDR-1 (production, distribution and repair), which usually supports an industrial use.
See other articles related to: anc 5d, comp plan, comprehensive plan, dc comprehensive plan, flum, future land use map, union market
This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/union-market-property-owner-seeks-high-density-flum-designation/16247.
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