The Connections Between Love and Real Estate

  • February 14th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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In honor of Valentine’s Day, Trulia Insights conducted a series of surveys on the connection between love and real estate. The real estate website wanted to figure out how housing considerations play into dating and relationship decisions.

The Connections Between Love and Real Estate: Figure 1
Courtesy of Trulia Insights.

You can see the full results here, but these are some of the findings we found interesting:

  • Men are more willing to live together to save money. 51 percent of men, compared to 34 percent of women, are more likely to be very willing or willing to shack up before marriage to save money.
  • Women are more likely than men to prefer dating a homeowner, at 36 percent to 19 percent.
  • 44 percent of Millennials feel that home ownership is a sign of commitment; only 26 percent of Baby Boomers felt that way.
  • 62 percent of unmarried adults would rather date someone who lives alone versus someone who lives with other people.
  • While the majority didn’t place a high importance on home ownership versus renting, only two percent of respondents prefer to date renters.

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