New Office Building Proposed for 14th and S Street

  • June 27th 2012

by Shilpi Paul

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New Office Building Proposed for 14th and S Street: Figure 1
Rendering of 1728 14th Street NW

On Wednesday night, architects from Bonstra|Haresign presented plans for a glassy, 1920’s-style office and retail project at 1728 14th Street NW (map) to the ANC 2F Community Development Committee. The project developer is Perseus Realty, who is also responsible for Jefferson 14W, a 231-unit apartment building going up at the corner of 14th and W.

Although at one point there was some talk that this address would eventually house residential units, the developers were clear with their intent to build commercial. “It’s important to make this neighborhood a 24/7 environment,” Bill Bonstra told the committee.

The new development will replace an old Granger warehouse, and the upper floors will have office tenants while the ground floor and possibly the second floor will have retail, maybe a restaurant.

New Office Building Proposed for 14th and S Street: Figure 2
1728 14th Street NW

While the architect is leaving the footprint intact, they would remove the current facade completely. Judging by the gleeful reaction from the committee, the old facade, pictured above, didn’t hold much aesthetic value. The building would rise up four stories, with the uppermost story set back; the design for the facade was inspired by the other office buildings that dot 14th Street.

The committee voted to recommend that the full ANC send a letter of approval to the Historic Preservation Review Board in advance of the developer’s July meeting. We will continue to update the progress of this project as it moves forward.

This article originally published at

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