
NAR: 6% Could Be New Normal For Mortgage Rates

  • July 9th

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Mortgage rate chart_07-03-24.png

A leading industry professional is weighing in on where he sees mortgage rates settling. 

"The long-term average for mortgage rates is about 7%, that's where we are today," Lawrence Yun of the National Association of Realtors told CNBC on Tuesday. "I think the new new normal will be around 6%. The mortgage rate will not go down to 3% or 4% or even 5%."

Long-term interest rates have been on a steady rise over the last two and a half years. At the beginning of 2022, rates averaged 3.2%, before increasing steadily throughout the year to a high of 6.9% in November. Rates eclipsed 7.2% last summer before settling back in the mid-6% range for most of this year. 

See other articles related to: interest rates, mortgae rates

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/nar_6_could_be_new_normal_for_mortgage_rates/22493.

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