Guess the Price: The Other Washington

  • August 27th 2010

by Mark Wellborn

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For this week’s price-guessing game of homes in other metropolitan areas, we head out to what some DC natives might call the other Washington. In this installment, we ask you to give us the price of an 1,800 square-foot loft space near Seattle’s downtown waterfront.

Guess the Price: The Other Washington: Figure 1

The loft is part of a building that was converted from an early 20th century factory shortly before 2000. While it only has one bedroom, the loft is made for someone that works from home as there is a custom built office space. The home also has arched windows with views of Seattle’s Elliott Bay. We admit that our knowledge of the Seattle real estate scene is not extensive, but we were surprised by the price of this property. It does not hit the seven figure level, but seems high for having just one-bedroom.

Guess the Price: The Other Washington: Figure 2

Post your guesses in the comments section below. The person with the most accurate guess will win their very own UrbanTurf t-shirt! (Note to our past winners Peter and Jason: There was a slight hold up with your shirts, but they will be in the mail soon.)

Guess the Price: The Other Washington: Figure 3

Printed on a comfortable Alternative Apparel t-shirt, this is the perfect way to show love for your favorite website. Guess away!

See other articles related to: guess how much

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