
DC's Disappearing Children

  • January 15th 2014

by UrbanTurf Staff

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DC's Disappearing Children: Figure 1

More evidence came last week that DC is becoming a land of singles.

In a post about the future of cities, The Urbanophile included a chart that ranked U.S. cities with the lowest percentage of children relative to total population. DC ranked 4th lowest with 100,815 children or 16.8 percent of the total population.

From The Urbanophile:

Of the 61 municipalities in 2010 that had 300,000 or more people, it should come as no surprise that San Francisco ranked dead last in percentage of children at 13.4%. The bottom ten is heavily populated by an urbanist who’s who, including Seattle, Washington, Boston, Portland, and Minneapolis. With places like Manhattan and Washington dominated by singles and people living alone, it should come as no surprise that their lifestyle needs take center stage in defining what it is cities should be about.

This is just the latest piece of news that reveals the shrinking population of children in DC. Last September, a report stated that sales of homes smaller than 800 square feet skyrocketed between August 2012 and August 2013 in the city. Shortly before that, another report found that the number of single tax-filers in the District increased 38 percent between 2001 and 2011; of the new residents filing taxes in the city for the first time during that period, 87.5 percent were single.

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/dc_has_4th_lowest_children_population_in_u.s/8000.

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