Could Hill East be the Next Neighborhood with a Triangular Home?

  • June 27th 2019

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

Another triangular home is in the works for DC.

The owner of Albert's Liquor Store at 328 Kentucky Avenue SE (map) is seeking zoning approval to add two stories above the store to create a single-family home. The store caps a series of rowhouses along Kentucky Avenue, and where Kentucky intersects with 14th and D Streets, the lot beyond forms a triangle. 

Site of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

Designed by PGN Architects, the new residence would also follow a triangular footprint. The living area, kitchen, a powder room and a den would be on the first level (second story of the new building) and two bedrooms and two bathrooms would be on the top level. Each residential level will also have a triangular balcony protruding above the lot. 

Rendering of proposed development from 14th Street. Click to enlarge.

The public space on the 14th Street side of the building would be converted into a private patio and side-yard for the residence, and the residential entry will also be located on 14th Street. The applicant will also convert the public space on the Kentucky Avenue side of the building into a public outdoor patio for the commercial space. 

At 35 feet tall, the new development would fit the maximum height under zoning and would be 8 feet taller than the neighboring residences. The project requests relief from requirements to provide a residential parking space and relief from lot occupancy requirements, as the existing store already occupies 100 percent of the lot rather than the 60 percent allowed.

See other articles related to: board of zoning adjustment, hill east, pgn architects

This article originally published at

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