264 Square Feet: A Look at DC's Smallest Home on the Market

  • May 17th 2016

by Nena Perry-Brown

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264 Square Feet: A Look at DC's Smallest Home on the Market: Figure 1
723 Longfellow Street NW, #304

The smallest listing on the market in DC right now is a 264 square-foot studio condominium just south of Missouri Avenue, a micro-unit that came along well before that term had a trendy definition.

Located at 723 Longfellow Street NW (map), Unit #304 is even smaller than the 278 square-foot unit UrbanTurf featured two years ago.

264 Square Feet: A Look at DC's Smallest Home on the Market: Figure 2

The listing is essentially a room bordered on one side by a kitchen, washer/dryer and a refrigerator that runs flush with the door to the bathroom. There is one large closet in the unit, but no space-saving feature like a Murphy bed.

Listing agent Ashton Vessali explains that because over 51 percent of the units in the building are rented out, prospective buyers must furnish a 20 percent down payment and work with one of two mortgage companies in order to qualify to purchase. Check out the virtual tour here.

264 Square Feet: A Look at DC's Smallest Home on the Market: Figure 3

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This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/264_square_feet_dcs_smallest_home/11240.

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