130 Fewer Residences: An Application to Shrink New Downtown Bethesda Building

  • January 16th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of the in-progress development.

Note: The article has been updated to include mention of Trader Joe's.

Although construction is already well underway on the 17-story building, JBG SMITH is seeking to shrink its new downtown Bethesda project.

The developer filed an amended site plan with Montgomery County last week to reduce the number of residential units at 7900 Wisconsin Avenue (map) from 450 to 322 apartments. Under the new site plan, the building would also have 14,600 square feet of retail and a 7,000 square-foot restaurant, a minor reduction in the total commercial space. According to Bethesda Beatthe project is also expected to include a new location of Trader Joe's, less than a mile from an existing outpost of the grocer on Wisconsin Avenue.

The new unit mix spans one- to three-bedrooms, and 49 of the apartments, including a three-bedroom, will be moderately-priced dwelling units. There will also be a total of 340 parking spaces rather than the 445 previously approved. FX Fowle is the architect.

The site plan application is currently under review.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/130-fewer-units-an-application-to-shrink-downtown-bethesda-building/16345.

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