123 Apartments and Makerspace Proposed for Ivy City ProFish Site

  • March 11th 2021

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

While the future of the Crummell School site remains in limbo, another residential development may be headed to the same Ivy City block.

OceanPro Properties is looking to replace its ProFish warehouse at 1900 Fenwick Street NE (map) with an 80 foot-tall, 123-unit building with retail and makerspace on the ground-floor and part of the second floor. The project will require a planned unit development (PUD) application with a map amendment to rezone the site from PDR-1 (production, distribution and repair) to MU-7 (medium-density mixed-use).

Aerial rendering of proposed development. Click to enlarge.

Each apartment would have a balcony and the development would include 80 below-grade parking spaces. The unit mix will include three-bedroom units, and there would be roughly 12-16 inclusionary zoning units affordable to households earning up to 60% of median family income, including two- and three-bedroom units.

As designed by PGN Architects, the façade of the building would include a "living green wall" element as a nod to Ivy City. The development team expects to file a PUD application by the end of the month.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/123-family-sized-apartments-and-makerspace-proposed-for-ivy-city-profish-si/17982.

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