
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Gcaar, from most recent to least.

DC-Area Home Sellers: Beware Paragraph 7

DC-Area Home Sellers: Beware Paragraph 7

Craig Davitian | March 29th 2011

The most-used home sales contract form in DC is the Greater Capital Association of Realtors' “Regional Sales Contract.” While all of its t... read»

Tricky Stats: A Look At Various Reports on Home Prices in DC

Tricky Stats: A Look At Various Reports on Home Prices in DC

Mark Wellborn | January 21st 2011

It seems as though a new statistical report analyzing home prices in the DC area comes out on a weekly basis. For the sake of comparison, we took a lo... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

DC Real Estate Guides

Short guides to navigating the DC-area real estate market

We've collected all our helpful guides for buying, selling and renting in and around Washington, DC in one place. Start browsing below!