

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Ddot, from most recent to least.

Capital Bikeshare Announces Locations of 32 New Stations

Capital Bikeshare Announces Locations of 32 New Stations

Mark Wellborn | July 27th 2011

Today, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced the locations for 32 new Bikeshare stations, which will be installed in the fall. ... read»

Capital Bikeshare Adds Arlington Stations, More to Come in DC

Capital Bikeshare Adds Arlington Stations, More to Come in DC

Jennifer Thornhill | April 19th 2011

Over the weekend, Arlington County added the first four of 30 planned Capital Bikeshare stations along the Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor, and DC is set to... read»

Work Begins to Extend 15th Street Bike Lane

Work Begins to Extend 15th Street Bike Lane

Mark Wellborn | October 29th 2010

DDOT has announced that the work to extend the contraflow bike lane on 15th Street down to Pennsylvania Avenue and up to W Street has begun. ... read»

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