
Toll Brothers Sales Increase

  • May 20th 2009

by Mark Wellborn

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The Washington Business Journal is reporting that the number of signed contracts for new homes more than doubled for home builder Toll Brothers in the company’s fiscal year second quarter.

The national home builder reported 582 signed contracts worth $298.3 million in the quarter ending April 30th, 119 percent higher than the number of contracts signed in the first quarter that ended January 31st.

From the WBJ:

“Toll Brothers said that it typically sees an increase in the fiscal year second quarter compared to the first, but the gains in the past two years were more modest: up 44 percent in 2008 and up 60 percent in 2007.”

While this could certainly be seen as optimistic news for the DC area housing market, where Toll Brother is very active, the Journal also reported today that the Architecture Billings Index fell in April, an indication of a continued lack in demand for home design services in the U.S.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/toll_brothers_sales_increase/935.

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