DC's Newest Apartment Amenity? The Uber Waiting Room
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The Vintage on 16th
As new residential projects come online in the DC area, developers continue to provide amenities that encourage and incentivize city dwellers’ use of public and shared transportation.
Enter the “Uber Waiting Room”, a euphemistically-named amenity planned for The Vintage on 16th, a new apartment building from Valor Development in Mount Pleasant. One wing of the former church at 3146 16th Street NW (map) will have a sitting room situated for residents to exit down a small flight of steps and into a designated area for a waiting vehicle — likely an Uber or some other ride-share. The room will be outfitted with a fireplace and a monitor offering information on nearby public transit.
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The Vintage, set to open in September, is just the latest in a line of new developments attempting to make it more convenient or economical for their residents to live car-free.
Several newer projects in the city have committed to featuring a live-updating Transit Screen in their lobby, even having a dedicated staff-member to give residents transit information. The recently-open Hepburn next to the Washington Hilton has a partnership with luxury car-sharing company Maven. And in San Francisco, an apartment building will give residents a $100 monthly stipend to use on Uber and Clipper, the Bay Area’s equivalent of a Smartrip card. Prospective renters will also be offered a free Uber ride to and from the apartment complex.
See other articles related to: apartment amenity, dc apartments, the vintage on 16th, transit, uber, valor development
This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/the_uber_room_the_newest_in_on-demand_amenities/11531.
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