
The Priciest and Largest Plot of Land in DC Hits the Market

  • May 18th 2012

by UrbanTurf Staff

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The Priciest and Largest Plot of Land in DC Hits the Market: Figure 1

UrbanTurf has learned that a 1.25 acre plot of land has hit the market in Cleveland Park, making it the largest and priciest piece of land available for single-family home use in the city. The 54,388 square-foot plot has an asking price of $8,790,000. For that price, a buyer will get the following:

  • A three-bedroom home on a 5,800 square-foot lot at 3434 34th Place NW (map).

  • A four-bedroom home on a 11,600 square-foot lot at 3430 34th Place NW (map).

  • A 30,000 square-foot lot adjacent to the Rosedale Conservancy. There is no address for this lot, but it is immediately adjacent to the conservancy on the south and the 34th Place lots are just to the east.

  • A 6,517 square-foot lot on Ordway Street, near the intersection with 34th Place (map).

The land is part of an estate sale for the late philanthropist Isabelle Scott. It should be noted that each of the properties above can be purchased individually; $8,790,000 is the price tag for all four listings.

This small section of Cleveland Park has been in the real estate headlines a good deal recently as it is also where the oldest home in the city hit the market a little over a month ago.

The listing above is being represented by Margot Wilson, Robert Hryniewicki and William F.X. Moody of Washington Fine Properties.

This article originally published at https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/the_priciest_and_largest_plot_of_land_in_dc_hits_the_market/5560.

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